Saturday, November 10, 2007

Article on MIADHU Daily, 10th Nov. 2007

On the question of Liberal Democracy or an Islamic Democracy, MIADHU has quoted, my friend Anni from MDP saying that I do not understand the meaning of 'Liberal'.

I was little surprised to read this comment from Anni, as I have studied many books and papers discussing this issue. So just to reconfirm my understanding of the word 'liberal' I quickly searched my Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary and found the following meaning in relation to politics.

Liberal: POLITICS, Page 740
'wanting or allowing a lot of political and economic freedom and supporting gradual social, political or religious change.'

Please note the word 'religious change', and this is exactly why I oppose the name 'Liberal Democracy' in the Maldives. Instead a more appropriate name would be 'Islamic Democracy'.

Umar Naseer
President, IDP


The Xostedenzyme said...

"Religious change" doesn't necessarily mean conversion from one religion to another. It can, on the other hand, mean bringing good changes, for example the tackling of extremism.

ni-xXx said...

"Religious change" does necessarily mean conversion from one religion to another. and we (the maldivans) does not a 'Liberal Democracy'......

like umar said we need a 'Islamic Democracy'.

Maldiveshealth said...

I would like to see a secular society where all religions can be practiced.

Maurie said...

Funny that you have to look at a dictionary to find the meaning of liberal.